Friday, April 08, 2005

RIP, Mitch Hedberg

Will: Hey Willard, Mitch Hedberg died!

Willard: Who?

Will: Hilarious stand-up comic.

Willard: Oh. Not familiar with him.

Will: He's really good.

Willard: Not anymore, he's dead.

Will: True. He was really good on March 30th, though, before he died.

Willard: Were you there? He might have had an off-nite.

Will: Yeah. Well he's really good on CD.

Willard: I'll take your word on that. Do you need time to grieve?

Will: I'll grieve over lunch.

Willard: Don't forget that today's the luncheon. So I'm going to have to ask you to keep your grieving during that time to a minimum.

Will: Right. I'll grieve during the 3-3:15 standardized breaktime.

Willard: Okay, but I expect to see you in an ungrieving state at your desk once the clock hits 3:16.

Will: Mitch would have wanted it that way, I'm sure.


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