Friday, March 18, 2005

Gator Theory

There's an old joke about two men in the woods that are confronted with a gator. When the gator starts charging, one the the gents starts tying his shoes. The other fellow says "You honestly can't expect to out run a gator, can you?"

To which the first fellow says, "I don't have to outrun the gator. Just have to outrun you."

Whatever comes of the promotion opportunity, the good news is that I was a candidate. This is important because Edgar, my neighbor to the right, has been here a whole two days less than I have. While I technically have seniority over Edgar, for appearance sake it would have been better to have all four of us in there in case two of us declined (viewed strongly by management as a possibility, part of the reason they sweetened the pot). The fact that he wasn't was significant.

I've been worried about not making enough progress fast enough. I've been worried about being pulled into a meeting or, even worse, let go. Not that these worries have any merit exactly, but once I was paranoid and they really were out to get me, so I am not quick to disregard such thoughts.

But I don't have to outrun the hand of unemployment. Right now, I just have to outrun Edgar.

And so far I am!


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