Saturday, March 12, 2005

About Will Truman

I was born on leap-year day in 1976, making me about six years old (or 29, depending on how you look at it) at the writing of this bio. I was raised in the suburbs of Tangramayne, Dixona with my two older brothers. I decided to go in to computer work when I was in high school for reasons that escape me right now. Something about getting a good job and liking to work on computers. Neither seem true anymore.

I went to college locally at Southern Tech University, majoring in Computer Information Systems (CIS). While at STU I met Julie, the girl that single-handedly denied me the "college experience" and nigh-certain insanity. I graduated with an honors degree in 1999 and promptly found work as a "Y2K coordinator" and night operator for a computer reseller named CRI.

I lost Julie, the job at CRI, and plans to go back to school in a tortuous couple of months in 2000. By then the economy had already hit the skids and finding work proved to be much more difficult. Lacking work, finding a girlfriend proved pretty hard, too. The first problem was settled when an STU alum hired me to be the solo IT person for his small manufacturing company. I also met Hurricane Holly, who came in just as I was finding some sort of inner piece and made me feel things that I had never thought I would feel again. That included intense pain. We parted for the third and last time in late 2002. I lost the job at Wildcatter shortly thereafter.

Due to a huge local employer getting caught-up in the Enron scandals the year before, the job market in Harrington was pretty bleak. And as long as I was unemployed, so was the ladies market. It was through a mutual friend that I met Clancy Hardwick, a wayward medical student back for the holidays. We quickly partnered up and the prospect of marriage was almost immediately discussed.

To avoid moving back in with my parents, I took a job with Weimarcorp, the absolute worst employer in Dixona. When it came time for her to choose a residency program, I had little keeping me in Harrington and I decided that I was going where she was going. She was matched with a position at Beck State University in Deseret and we got hitched and hitched our wagon to move out west.

Clancy and I live in a basement apartment. She's a second-year medical resident. Since getting up here, I've worked as phone support for a satellite company and presently as a programmer - of sorts - for a company that handles administrative chores for companies too small or too cheap to handle their on HR matters.

I have two older brothers, one in Dixona and the other in Texas. Clancy and I have no offspring nor any immediate plans to generate them.

[Most recently edited on 3/21]


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