Saturday, March 12, 2005

About This Site

I've never been on time for anything in my life, so it suits that I was late for the "blogging revolution."

I can't imagine that anyone cares about my suburban white boy politics and I don't have any great new insights into how the world can be a better place. Even though it's my profession, I don't really keep up with computer technology enough to warrant a blog in that area. Linux is great, but I'll leave the advocacy to those who really know what they're talking about.

But I do about my life, so I'll post on that. Most of what I write will revolve around work. As such, I'm making pseudononymizing people and places in order to avoid getting canned maintain my privacy. If I wanted to write something fictional, I'd write a book for publication or at least respectability.

My wife is a pretty busy person and since I can't bitch and moan to her every day (we don't even get to see each other every day), I'll bitch and moan here. Hopefully, it'll be the entertaining sort.

Right now the site is called Hit Coffee, named after an obscure comic book character. For some reason (I make no claims of sobriety at the time) I decided that if I ever started a blog, this is what I would name it. I eventually sobered up, but when Blogger asked me what to name the site, since I hadn't decided I opted to take a name I knew no one else would want so that when I picked the real name, I wouldn't have rent staked out where someone else wanted to be.


Blogger trumwill said...

Yeah, I'm not exactly a trailblazer. Part of me wishes that I were so I could write about this and that (though I do have a story or two from my past I will share, inspired by a couple of your own), but I don't have a particularly high tolerance of ambiguity, which makes adventuring difficult!

9:19 AM  

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