Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Black Guy

FalStaff is approximately 96% white. There are a handful of people of indeterminable ethnic origin (some combination of Hispanic, white, and Amerindian). There is, as of a month or so ago when he was hired, one black employee.

While racism could theoretically be involved, I seriously doubt that it is. The area itself is that white. Coming from the south, this is an adjustment for me.

Since the black guy signed on, I can't help but ask myself the question: Why is he here?

Not at FalStaff, but in non-urban Deseret. They may face more racism in the south, but they have some strength in numbers there. Pick any urban area and you can see why they might feel at home there.

It's not often a white boy can talk about being a minority, but not being a member of The Brethren gives me at least some claim to that. My experiences tell me that being surrounded by people that are almost universally not like you can be enriching, but after a while gets frustrating.

Even if they're well intentioned, I don't put much faith in people to look past my religion. I certainly wouldn't put faith in them looking past my skin color. Especially when it isn't necessary. What does Deseret offer that California or Texas or even Georgia doesn't?

But I guess the answer came during the company meeting yesterday. His face lit up when he saw another employee (from a regional sales staff, so rarely here).

Turns out they lived near each other at BYU.

So that answers that.


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