Tuesday, March 08, 2005

McJobs at FalStaff

The Processing Center is apparently one of the least desirable places (the second least, in my estimation) to work for FalStaff. Incoincidentally, it's also the area they have the most trouble recruiting and keeping staff. It's mostly staffed by high school kids. The president of the company has actually referred to it as "The McDonald's of FalStaff."

Their most recent hire is deaf (which is why she has the employment person I've referred to with her, helping her get situated). At the rate their going, I suspect they will make a lot of use out of the hiring agency they got her from, which specializes in the placement of the disabled.

I was talking to aforementioned Processing Center Girl, now called Rosa. Apparently, the newest employee passed a note today asking when raises were.

There are no raises here. Particularly in that department (and only barely in ours).

I get the feeling the new employee is pretty disappointed since they probably promised her periodic reviews and raises.

They always promise that. Yet honestly speaking, the only time I've ever gotten a raise is when I got my college degree. Beyond that, no matter how grand the promises, there's never been a raise. I think employers figure that if you're willing to start at a particular wage, it's impolite to ask for more, regardless of the promises made. Most supervisors get really evasive when the topic comes up.

I've pretty much stopped asking.

But before long, Rosa is going to be out of here and the Processing Center is going to be short staffed again.

And management is going to be wondering why they have trouble keeping personnel.


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